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Below I have answered the allegations by Ahmadiyya website (http://real-islam.org/audio) against Dr. Zakir Naik.

Dr. Zakir Naik & Taliban !! (Part-1) (Urdu With English sub-titles)A Famous Scholar, Dr. Zakir Naik denies the most basic human right regarding freedom of speech for the Non-Muslims. He advocates that Muslims must be allowed to preach their religion & to build their mosques everywhere in the world. But on the other hand he does not accept the same right for the non-Muslims living in an Islamic State. Is there any difference between the psyche and mental level of Dr. Zakir Naik & the Taliban? Watch the video and decide yourself !!!

Dr. Zakir Naik do not denies any basic Human right regarding freedom of speech for the non-muslims. Infact, Zakir Naik is talking about the duty of Muslim State. In where Muslim state is responsible to stop Any Information, Any Act which leads asrtray from the way of Allah. So therefore All other religions beside Islam do not leads to Allah. They are Fabricated religions and teaches wrong and Mushrikana Beliefs. Allah orders in Quran that Do not Help those who spread BATIL. Help and TA’AWUN is only allowed in Good things. Jews and christians both beliefs are consist of SHIRK. so, therefore it is the Duty and FARZ of an islamic state to stop Mushtrikeens actions by which Mishrikeens wants Muslims to become Mushrik.

And as far Taliban are concern. They do not have any Muslim state. They do not believe any State. They do not follow any state.

Dr. Zakir Naik & Taliban !! (Part-2) (Urdu With English sub-titles)A famous Scholar, Dr. Zakir Naik advocates that no one has the right to harm any person who changes his/her religion & converts to Islam. But on the other hand he openly preaches a “Death Punishment” for all born or newly converted Muslims who dare to leave Islam & join any other faith. Is there any difference between the psyche and mental level of Dr. Zakir Naik & the Taliban? Watch the video and decide yourself !!!

Again the punishment of Apostacy is related with an Islamic state. so, it is the Duty of an islamic state that he Punish those who are doing Fraud in the Islamic state. because an Islamic state is responsible for Tabligh-ul-islam. and is responsible to deal with muslims by Islamic rules and Law. Death Punishment for Apostasy is a Law and a Rule by some Islamic states and Muslim scholars. It is a matter about which Many sects differs.

So it is not only Taliban’s belief. Talibans are wrong when they give death punishment to apostates. because it is the duty of an islamic state. Punishments are to be given only by the states.

So, if zakir naik says that death punishment is allowed in islamic state. it is his right to say such concept. because he is a Muslim scholar. you may differ with zakir naik. Ahmadiyyas may differ with zakir naik. but it deos not prove zakir naik to be wrong. because this is the concept delivered by many other islamic states and Muslimc scholars. click here

Infact those who hold this concept of Punishment for apostates have arguments according to Quran and Hadith. click here This concept is not something outside from islamic teachings.

Is Dr. Zakir Naik Telling Lies or Not? Watch the videos & decide yourself!. (English)
Dr. Zakir Naik’s claim regarding Jesus’ (as) second coming proved wrong.

Zakir naik telling not lies. It is his right to hold any opinion regarding Jesus second coming. He do not believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. so when zakir naik disagree with Ahmadiyya’s concept. it can’t make him a liar. you see! Ahmadiyyat is not the critera of Truth and False according to the Majority of the Muslims in the world.

Is Osama Bin Laden Right or Wrong? (English)Watch one of the Most Moderate and Visionary Considered Scholar Dr. Zakir Naik supporting terrorist activities of Ossama Bin Laden!

Majority of the comments on Dr. Zakir Naik made were out of context.

Some people say Dr. Zakir Naik said that “If Osama bin Laden is terrorising America, we are with him and every Muslim should be a terrorist.” This statement shows only the half-truth and is completely out of context, and misplaced.

Rather Dr. Zakir Naik said that, He never met Osama Bin laden and he has never interrogated him so he cannot comment on him on the basis of proof provided by CNN and BBC (Remember these were the same news channels who said that IRAQ possesses “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which proved to be a blatant lie afterward). There is no valid proof that Osama bin Laden is the Mastermind of 9/11 attacks.
So Dr. Zakir Naik says If he is terrorizing the enemies of Islam he is with him.
The second part that every Muslim should be a terrorist was actually made long after this comment: Dr. Zakir says that terrorist is a person who causes terror in the hearts of people and it also implies that for a thief the policemen is also a terrorist for he causes terror in his heart. So in this context every Muslim should be a terrorist i.e. whenever a thief, murderer etc. looks at a Muslim they should be terrorised.

It must be noted that in islamic matters there is always a difference of opinions between the muslim scholars. even Mirza Ghulam Ahmad accept that at the time of sahaba of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, they also had many difference of opinions each other regarding islamic issues. but they did not call each other Kafir or Mullah. (Roohani Khazain: Volume 5, Aina Kamalaat-e-Islam, pg 259)

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